SSRF To AWS Role compromise


Load a local server using one of the following commands

python -m SimpleHttpServer <port>    #python2
python -m http.server <port>         #python3

Use your public IP as the payload, we expect to see a HTTP request in the local server logs. In this case we have confirmed SSRF

If you suspect that a firewall or other network protection systems are blocking the request, you can try to make the application retrieve a well known file from the OS. See the LFI List page for a list of common file locations for Linux and Windows.


Gain control of EC2 role

Check current role

Get associated key<role name>

Configure new profile on local machine and gain access to AWS environment

 aws configure --profile <profile name> #specfiy access key id, value and region when prompted
 aws configure --profile <profile name> set aws_session_token <role token>

Verify credentials

aws sts get-caller-identity --profile <profile name>

Last updated