21 - FTP
FTP usage and enumeration
ftp <username>@<ip>
Anonymous login:
ftp <domain>
user: anonymous
password: mail@mail.com
? to request help or information about the FTP commands
ascii to set the mode of file transfer to ASCII (this is the default and transmits seven bits per character)
binary to set the mode of file transfer to binary
bye to exit the FTP environment (same as quit)
cd to change directory on the remote machine
close to terminate a connection with another computer but still leaves you within the FTP environment
delete to delete (remove) a file in the current remote directory (same as rm in UNIX)
get to copy one file from the remote machine to the local machine
help to request a list of all available FTP commands
lcd to change directory on your local machine (same as UNIX cd)
ls to list the names of the files in the current remote directory
mkdir to make a new directory within the current remote directory
mget to copy multiple files from the remote machine to the local machine
mput to copy multiple files from the local machine to the remote machine
open to open a connection with another computer
passive to toggle passive mode in order to avoid problems with client-side firewalls
put to copy one file from the local machine to the remote machine
pwd to find out the pathname of the current directory on the remote machine
quit to exit the FTP environment (same as bye)
rmdir to remove (delete) a directory in the current remote directory
Download all
wget -m --user="<user>@<ip>" --password="<pass>" ftp://<ip or host>/
wget -m ftp://anonymous@<ip>/
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